Fulfill your soul’s purpose, build an abundant business that nourishes you, and help others heal, awaken & thrive

A 1:1 Mentorship Journey
for heart-led coaches, healers, teachers and entrepreneurs that want to rise up into their next level of purpose, impact & income.

Whether you’re on the verge of stepping into your higher calling, or you’re already on the path and ready for your next upgrade; this 3-month experience will help you fully claim & embody your role as a heart-centred leader doing the work you love.

During this life-changing program, you will create offerings that deeply transform the lives of your most aligned clients, and start or grow an abundant business that generously compensates you for your service to the collective — all in a way that is authentic & in integrity with your highest vision and values.

Can you relate to any of this?

  • You’re no longer willing to spend your life doing work that drains you and isn’t aligned with your soul’s purpose, or the elevated vision you have for your future.

  • You know you’re here to help others, but aren’t completely sure how to transform this pure intention into a full-time business, in which you actually change people’s lives everyday & get paid for it.

  • You’ve tried to figure out online business by yourself, but you’re not getting the results you want. You know you have a lot to offer, but can’t seem to attract a steady flow of clients & customers your way.

  • You’re posting content regularly, but your community isn’t growing the way you’d like — nor are your dream clients reaching out, asking how they can work with you.

  • You want to show up online & take action towards your dreams, but you overthink it & hold yourself back for fear of being seen & judged.

You want to spend your time on earth doing what you love and using your gifts help
change people’s lives for the better.

Now, it’s time to turn this pure
heartfelt calling into your life’s work.

This program is for you if:

  • You know it’s time to honour your life’s purpose as a coach, healer, teacher or conscious entrepreneur.

  • You’re committed to building an authentic business that feels like an extension of you, and provides you with the freedom, fulfilment & resources you need to live the life you desire.

  • You are ready to serve your most aligned clients and customers who feel like soul family, and make a real impact in their lives.

  • You desire crystal clarity on what your purpose is, who you are here to serve, and exactly how to go about fulfilling your higher calling (no more guesswork).

  • You’re determined to show up confidently & consistently for your mission in the world, without fear of judgment, self-doubt & overwhelm holding you back.


You begin every day with a sense of crystal clarity regarding what your purpose is, who you’re here to serve, and how. You’re making a genuine, measurable impact the lives of your clients & customers each week, and you’ve built a nourishing business that provides you with the time & financial freedom you need to live your most authentic & aligned life — all on your schedule; which is filled with the people, activities & things you love. 

You’ve answered the call of your divine mission, and you are thriving. 

The Rising Leader is for you if you want to save years of trial & error getting there, with a trusted mentor by your side.


A 12-week 1:1 leadership & business program for purpose-driven souls who have the unmistakable calling to serve humanity at a high level.

This personalised experience is equal parts strategy & energy work, because creating the life & business you desire not only requires you to align your energy with that which you are calling in; but it also requires you to master the tangible elements of your mission that are ultimately responsible for your success.

Your 3 month journey to greater
purpose, impact & income:

  • You will become crystal clear on who you are, what your mission is & who you are here to serve.

    This isn’t about doing generic niche or ideal client work. Instead, you will awaken your authentic gifts & expertise, develop an unparalleled understanding of your divine function in the word, and gain a high level of insight into the hearts & minds of your dream clients.

    With these foundations firmly in place, you will be set up for success as a leader, and the rest of your journey will flow with greater ease and grace. This is the stage in which a personalised pathway is established for you to go full time in doing the work you love.

  • Turn your purpose into your life’s work and get paid for it. Here, you will start or grow an aligned business that feels like a true extension of your soul, and you will be supported in:

    • Creating & launching your offerings, such as 1:1 packages, group programs, online courses and memberships 

    • Marketing and selling your products & services authentically, including the development of sales funnels

    • Establishing a strong social media presence, building a custom content strategy & growing your community of dream clients.

    • Implementing automation for time freedom & efficiency 

    • The creation of all other assets, including websites, sales pages, email lists & more

    When you build your business with this level of support, intentionality & precision, you will change way more lives, have way more time to do the things you love, and make a lot more money. 

  • Money in the hands of heart-led humans changes the world. As a leader running a business that transforms lives, money is going to play a significant role in your experience. When you heal your relationship with money, you not only increase your capacity to receive, hold & circulate it — but you also get to discover who you truly are beyond it. As long as you have a wounded relationship with money, you will be limited in your ability to think, act & feel in alignment with your highest vision & values.

    In this program, you will cultivate a healthy, joyful relationship with money, and free yourself from fear & attachment around it. This will enable you to carry out your mission in a way that is authentic, empowered, and prepares you to be well compensated for your work in the world.

  • As an emerging changemaker, your biggest blocks to success are typically going to be internal; including limiting beliefs, deeply-rooted fears, stuck emotions, unaddressed trauma, and of course — the ego.

    During this 4-month journey, you will clear the inner-blockages that are stopping you from fully claiming your destiny as a thriving leader. You will also learn to lead yourself powerfully by creating coherency in your energy field, raising the energetic frequency of the cells in your body, and accessing self-love, safety & presence. 


Twelve Weeks of High-Touch Private Mentorship
to transform you into an impactful leader with an authentic, dialled-in business.

6 x 75 Minute 1:1 Sessions to dive deep into the intricacies of your mission & business. These sessions are an opportunity to gain clarity regarding your path, create aligned strategies & release any limitations that are holding you back.

Direct Voice Note and Text Support between sessions to accelerate your leadership journey & build momentum. This is a space for mindset support, asking questions & receiving feedback.

Private Client Portal to keep you organised & on track to achieving your goals. This is a space for strategic planning, mapping out action items, setting priorities, establishing your business foundations, and staying accountable.

Detailed Review & Feedback of Assets, including content, sales pages, marketing funnels, websites, and opt-in offers that you create during the course of the program.


  • Rachel | Spiritual Embodiment Guide

    “Vish Sharma is one of the great spiritual teachers of our time. His transmission is like a relieving breathe of fresh air for the spirit! Vish and his beautiful work in this world came into my life very serendipitously, during a period of upheaval and great change. I just can’t imagine how different the past few months would’ve been without his deep support and guidance.

    The amount of ground we covered during our 3-months together was incredibly vast. Anyone who’s received the call to be of service knows that cultivating a conscious business is just as much about the inner work as it is about what you put into developing the business itself. It’s one and the same thing — and each time I spoke with Vish, the illuminating conversations that we had would alchemize whatever was alive for me at that time into a potent medicine that I was then able to ground into my being and infuse into my own offerings.

    The leaps and bounds I’ve achieved in such a short period of time in his mentorship container — in both my personal growth as well as in my blossoming business — have been absolutely amazing! To be so deeply seen, acknowledged, and celebrated on the level that Vish provides is a gift in and of itself. He over-delivered time and time again, and with Vish as my mentor, I got to witness myself on the fast track to embodying this new, up-leveled version of me.

    \Words can’t express the gratitude I feel in my heart to have been blessed with the opportunity to work so closely with Vish during such a fertile time in my life. The overall experience was an investment in myself worth more than its weight in gold.”

  • Suhashini | Women's Coach & Children’s Yoga Teacher

    “I’ve recently completed a 3 month container with Vish and it has been one of the most life shifting experiences I’ve had so far. It’s sometimes a challenge to put into words the depth experienced, but Vish’s ability and deep grounded presence to meet you where you are and as you are has been pivotal in allowing me to take up non judgemental space to explore my soul’s essence and ways I’d like to actualise my gifts and heart centred desires with more ease and trust. 

    We moved through deep fears and confusion, and I can speak for certain that I still continue to experience and return to the many gems of remembrance and wisdom even after the completion of the container. Vish has been a guiding light for me to trust and take leaps forward without knowing what lies ahead.

    A prominent guidance of his has been to learn to trust and deeply surrender and feel safe surrendering, and I can’t begin to explain how this has allowed me to live so much more in the present moment instead of dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. 

    There is no doubt that I’ll be looking forward to joining more containers with Vish as I continue on my soul aligned path playfully and with so much of ease and excitement. Thank you for being a trailblazer Vish, I deeply appreciate your work and it truly reminds me to give myself permission to shine my own light in all of its glory

  • Hannah | Somatic Healing Coach & Yoga Teacher

    “Vish is such a truly beautiful human . When we started working together, I was in a really tight place financially, but his one month offer for Voxer + a session called to me. Vish helped me navigate one of the messiest and most challenging periods of my journey as a coach (and as a human) so far. I was experiencing significant unknown & instability - and felt like I was falling apart at the seems. As a coach & guide myself, this was terrifying. How can I show up for others in such a messy place?

    Vish held me with so much love, offering a grounded & centered perspective that was so deeply healing. Since ending our container, I feel like I have shifted into a completely new paradigm and I truly believe our work together played a massive role in helping me go get to this new place. I have so much love for Vish and would highly recommend him to anyone feeling the call to be in his world. He’s a beautiful soul with so much love to give.”

  • Sonali | Wellness Creator

    “I felt an inner calling to serve others through creating a social media platform but I felt so much fear come up as I tried to do so on my own. I noticed that Vish had opened up one-on-one support through Voxer and although it felt like a leap in the moment - my heart was encouraging me to go for it and I’m incredibly grateful and glad that I did! 

    For me, Vish brought to light the importance of nervous system regulation when taking inspired action so that one could feel more ease and safety on a nervous system level to continue to follow their soul’s nudges and share their gifts with the world.

    I have been regulating my nervous system using different tools and have finally started to share things I’m inspired to with the world. Vish also worked with me so patiently as he helped expand my perception and reminded me of the support we have to follow our heart callings on planes other than just the physical. I am forever grateful for Vish’s support and would recommend anyone to receive his services if feeling called to.”

Apply To Become a Rising Leader

The investment of this 1:1 program is $3,500 USD pay in full or
$1,250/month x 3 on payment plan.

Your Next Steps:

Submit Your Application:

Please complete the application below to provide me with a better understanding of you, your mission & your business.

Discovery Call:

If your application is accepted, you will be invited to a Discovery Call with me over Zoom. The purpose of this call is to determine if we are a good fit for working together, and it’s also an opportunity to have your questions answered regarding the program.

Secure Your Spot:

If we decide to work together, payment is required to secure your spot in 1:1 Mentorship. This is due to the limited number of spaces available in the program.


Hi, I’m Vish. A new paradigm leadership coach & spiritual teacher, here to help you transform your life’s purpose
into your life’s work.

My mission is to help heart-led leaders like you answer the call of your soul mission & unleash your gifts & expertise, so that you can truly change lives in only the way you can. I know you have A LOT to give to the world, and it’s my job to support you in transforming your highest vision for life & business into your reality. My clients are bold leaders who have the burning desire to impact thousands of people & share their most authentic message with the world.

I’m an ICF Certified Coach & Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner who has spent 6+ years building my coaching business, working 1:1 with clients, running online courses & workshops, creating content, and growing a community that feels more like soul family.

I’m passionate about helping people fulfil their higher calling on earth because there was no other option for me than to fulfil mine. I know what it’s like to have the burning desire to do meaningful work in the world, create a freedom-based business that gives you the time & resources to do what you love, and help others rise to their highest potential.

In The Rising Leader, I look forward to supporting you closely as you embody your life’s greater purpose & build a business you love.